Case Studies

A Smooth Transition to Kogo IT Support

When a snack supplier grew frustrated with their IT supplier, they contacted Kogo to take over. Find out how we seamlessly took over their support requirements and helped them grow.

Sussex Chamber of Commerce IT Transition

Read out about how Kogo helped transition Sussex Chamber of Commerce from their old IT support over to Kogo’s managed IT services.


Ransomware Infographic

Download our ransomware infographic to find out some vital stats and tips about this dangerous threat to your business.

“Stop Ransomware” eBook

Do you know what ransomware is, how it gets onto your system, or, most importantly, how to stop it before it’s too late? Download our free eBook to find out how to protect yourself from ransomware today.

Securing your Remote Workforce 

Attacks on remote workers have increased dramatically during the lockdown as criminals realised employees were isolated from the rest of their team and took advantage of this. Most businesses rushed to implement remote working solutions based on functionality and not necessarily security. Suppose this is to be the new norm! In that case, we must assess these new solutions to ensure they are secure and implement an effective user awareness training plan.  It is time to put your foot on the ball and have a good look around you.