How to Dispose Electronic Waste

What is WEEE?

WEEE isn’t just what you scream when you’re on a fun roller coaster. It also stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation and was first introduced into UK law in 2006.  The WEEE Directive was specifically designed to address the fact that millions of tonnes of reclaimable electronics and electrical equipment were simply being dumped into landfill each year.

With new laws and regulations like the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK in place, it has never been more important to follow WEEE procedures and dispose of electronic equipment efficiently and safely to safeguard any personal information that is most likely on the hard drive. That’s why we’ve written this quick guide on the best way on how to do just that!

What are the benefits of recycling old electronic equipment?

Well, with electronic waste being the fastest growing source of toxic waste in the world, you can help be a part of the solution!

Recycling old technical equipment can help with providing more jobs and support for both commercial and local businesses while also saving the environment from further harm. Many computer gadgets containing everything from lead, lithium and mercury to cadmium. These toxic chemicals can compromise the human body and human health as a whole. As well as this, when these toxic metals are absorbed into the soil and water, it affects animal species and habitats too.

What are the risks?

Often, if old technology is not wiped and recycled correctly, you can unknowingly subject yourself to a major cyber-attack, even with old, broken equipment. This means that not only would it affect your company’s private data but would put your customer’s data at risk too. With the GDPR in place, could your company risk paying the huge fines and survive the implications that come along with that? That’s why we recommend using a provider you trust, to ensure EVERYONE’S data is staying safe and secure.

How can I recycle my old technologies?

At Kogo we offer a solution to help you dispose and recycle your old technologies safely. We work with our government approved disposal partners, to help ensure your old equipment is tracked throughout each stage of the cycle.

Our disposal partners WEEE recycling and disposal services are fully WEEE compliant and guarantee 0% landfill. Their Data destruction services and processes are compliant with all necessary legislation, including The Data Protection Act of 2018 (GDPR) and The WEEE Directive. So you can rest assured knowing your companies and customer’s data is erased efficiently and effectively.

How do I get started?

All you’d need to do is give us a call on 01342 333000 or email us at [email protected] for a quote and we will do the rest!

For any other questions, please feel free to get in touch! We are always here and happy to help.

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