two screens

One is the Loneliest Number ♪ – Why You Will Love Having Two Screens!

A quick and insightful blog on how you can improve the way you work by upgrading to two or more screens. Not only will it save you time and money but has been proven to increase productivity by an average of 42%.


Office 365 – To Backup or Not to Backup: That is the Question.

Ever accidentally deleted, saved over or lost an important file? Then take a look at our blog on 5 quick reasons why backing up your Office 365 is a must!

QA Offices

The Future Is In Our Employees

Here at Kogo, we place a real emphasis on upskilling our employees. We firmly believe that Kogo is only as good as our workforce and that’s why we are 100% committed to investing in our employees and their training!


Graduate to Service Desk Technician and Beyond!

At Kogo we love to encourage and support our staff! Read all about how in this interview with our certified Mimecast and StorageCraft Engineer, Ed Webb!

business man

Defending Yourself from the Modern Cybercriminal

What are the cybersecurity threats you’ll face today, and how can you best defend yourself and your business?


Ways Your Data Could Be Stolen

Everyone’s telling you to be afraid of the GDPR, but what can you actually do to prepare? Read our guide on ways your data could be stolen.

Hot air balloon

5 Things to Consider When Moving to Cloud Solutions

Thinking of moving to cloud services? Have you considered how your existing connection will cope? How your remote users will fare? Here’s what you need to consider, and what you can do.


Practical Steps for GDPR Readiness

The GDPR will come into effect in this May- has your company taken the necessary steps to secure customer data and become compliant?

man and laptop

Stop Ransomware 5 – Restoring After Ransomware

Could your backup drive be encrypted by ransomware? What is the best type of backup? Find out about the best backup to stop ransomware here.


Kogo is Now Cyber Essentials Certified

Find out how Kogo became Cyber Essentials certified, and why it is so important to become certified, especially with GDPR around the corner.